Welcome to onemooreday, an online space where content, services and on-line course of Value are made available to the onemooreday community. My name is Robert and over the years I have set myself goals and pursued them with a laser focus. Growing up in a single parent low income environment, a loving one, it was not easy times for any of us. Moving on in time I have now experienced success, failures, highs and lows.
I did not go to university but instead went straight to work in a Finance role as a trainee. I spent many years working and studying alongside a job, gaining experience as I went. It was tough and there was never a lot of time. I guess this work ethic came out of hardship and my need or want or desire for more. I think this is a very common situation for many people.
The problem is finding the solution and right path to the Outcomes you desire which may be financial freedom, a place of your own, to have more than you need or live a life rich with experiences either alone or with those close to you.. .and to give back…more = less!